Artist Statement


My artwork accesses the visceral. Although much of my work explores the female nude, my action painting investigates emotions as they erupt. I aim to capture the sensual, to explore touch and story. Simmering emotions behind the facade of a face interest me.

During my career as a dancer and choreographer, the days were spent running, leaping, spinning, falling and recovering. Skills honed as a dance-artist now transfer to paper: Rhythm, light, movement, and spontaneous compositional techniques.

As both a choreographer and visual artist, curiosity and sensuality are my reasons for art-making. To see where this is all going.

For the action painting, images are first created by pounding, scraping, and whacking ink-drunk lavender, natural materials or heavy rope onto large paper. The works express disquiet and anger, loss, and the power of water.

Photo: Mik Min

photo: Mik Min

Photo: Udo Hesse